List of the folk dance classes throughout Sussex
This information has been obtained from personal knowledge,
our Eastbourne Folk Dance Club Yahoo Group, Sussex Pie and the Sussex Folk Association, East Sussex Community
Information Service, West Sussex Library Service Local Societies and Organisations, and the individual folk dance club
I cannot guarantee that this list is accuarte, and I give
on the list the date individual club information was updated.

Members and visitors to Eastbourne Folk Dance Club Meeting 26th February 2009
Please advise me if you wish to delete or change any of
the details or to add any other clubs. My E-Mail address can be found on my Contact Me page.
Club Name |
Day / Time |
Venue |
Name |
Phone No. |
E-Mail |
Website |
Other |
Last updated |
Bexhill Country Dance Club |
Thursday 7.30 p.m. |
St. Peters Community Centre, Old Town, Bexhill, East Sussex
01424 714869 |
| |
February 2008 |
Bexhill International Folk Dance Group |
Meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 8-10pm (not during August or 1st week September).
Little Common Methodist Church Hall, Church Hill Avenue, Little Common, Bexhill, East Sussex |
Heather Edwards, Organiser |
01424 222382 |
| |
January 2008 |
Brighton Circle Dance |
3rd Tuesday of the month, 7.30pm |
St Nicholas Church Brighton |
Jan Mulreany, Dance Leader
01273 501304 |
| |
August 2008 |
Chichester Folk Dance Club |
First, third and fifth Thursdays of the month 8.00pm-10.00pm (except August)
Fishbourne Club, Blackboy Lane, Fishbourne, Nr. Chichester, West Sussex |
Sue Frost |
01243 552539 | | |
April 2008 |
Crawley Folk and Square Dance Club |
Alternate Tuesdays 7.45pm-10.00pm |
Three Bridges Community Centre, Gales Place, Three Bridges, West Sussex |
Mr R Weddell |
01293 536887 | |
February 2008 |
Dance International Worthing (International Folk Dancing) |
7.30 - 10.00 Friday |
The Pavilion, Field Place (by Durrington Station), Worthing, W.Sussex
Mrs Margaret Matthews |
01 903 856 951 |
| |
February 2008 |
Downway Playford Club |
3rd and 5th Tuesday |
St. Lawrence's Church Hall, Sea Place, Goring, Worthing, West Sussex
01403 741431 |
| |
February 2008 |
East Grinstead Folk Dance Club |
Alternate Tuesdays of the month 8.00pm-10.00pm (except August) |
Blackwell Primary School, Blackwell Farm Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex
Mrs Gill Jones |
0208 7773572 |
February 2008 |
East Preston Dance Circle (International folk and circle dancing) |
7:30pm - 9:30pm Thursdays (except August) |
Catholic Church Hall, Vermont Drive, East Preston, West Sussex
Judith Washington |
(01903 722189) |
| |
February 2008 |
Eastbourne Folk Dance Club |
Thursday 7.45 p.m. to 9.45 pm. and quarterly socials |
Upperton United Reform Church Hall, Watts Lane, Eastbourne, East Sussex
Brian Carter (Treasurer) |
01323 732948 | | |
Link to Yahoo group through website |
August 2008 |
Felpham & Middleton |
7:30 - 9:30pm Fridays |
Small Jubilee Hall, Elmer Road, Middleton-On-Sea, Bognor Regis, West Sussex
Mrs. B.Oakley |
01243 582627 |
| |
February 2008 |
Fittleworth and Cootham Folk Dance Club |
1st Thursday (except Thursday) |
Fittleworth Village Hall, Fittleworth, west of Pulborough, West Sussex
01798 342360 |
| |
February 2008 |
Hastings and St Leonards Country Dance Club |
Tuesdays 7.45-10.00pm |
St Matthews Church Hall Centre, Silverhill, Hastings, East Sussex |
Mrs Janice Bolton |
01424 753684 |
June 2008 |
Heathfield Folk Dance Group |
Tuesdays 7.30-10.00pm |
St. Richards Church Hall, Park Road, Heathfield, Sussex
Mrs J Charlesworth, Secretary |
01435 873551 | | |
January 2009 |
Herstmonceux Folk Dance Club |
Wednesday evenings, 8.00-10.00pm. |
Bodle Street Village Hall, Village Hall, Bodle Street, Herstmonceux, East Sussex
Ms J Axon |
01323 832294 |
| |
February 2008 |
Horsham Folk Dance Club |
Saturday 7.30 p.m. |
Edwin Hall, Chichester Terrace, Horsham, West Sussex
01403 790464 |
February 2008 |
Keymer Folk Dance Club |
1st, 3rd and 5th Monday of the month - October - April, from 8.00pm - 10.00pm.
United Reformed Church Hall in Hassocks, Sussex |
Mrs Brenda Farr, Chairman |
01273 844437 |
| |
May 2008 |
Lindfield and District Folk Dance Club |
First and third Tuesdays of the month September-July (re starts 3rd Tuesday of September) |
Ashenground Community Centre, Southdown Close, Haywards Heath, West Sussex |
Mrs Babs Malins |
01444 484224 | |
April 2008 |
Magham Down Folk Dance Club |
Tuesdays from 7.45pm - 9.45pm |
Hellingly Village Hall, Hellingly, East Sussex |
Eilzabeth Munday |
01323 841127 |
March 2008 |
Ringmer Barn Dancing Society |
3rd Tuesday of the month |
Caburn Pavilion, Ringmer, Est Syssex |
Jean Craig, Secretary |
01273 812760 |
| |
July 2008 |
Club Name |
Day / Time |
Venue |
Name |
Phone No. |
E-Mail |
Website |
Other |
Last updated |
Seaford Playford |
Wednesday 7 p.m. |
St. Peters Chapel, Upper Belgrave Road, Seaford, East Sussex
01323 492310 |
February 2008 |
Seaford and District Folk Dance Group |
Mondays at 7.45pm |
Sutton Hall, Downs Leisure Centre, Eastbourne Road, Seaford, East Sussex
Mr John Gaunt, Hon. Secretary and Janet Dingley, Chairperson |
01273 476978 and 01323 870145 |
| |
February 2008 |
Shoreham Folk Dance Club |
Meet every Monday, except bank holidays, 8.00pm - 10.00pm. |
St.Julians Hall, Rectory Road, (off Kingston Lane), Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex
Mrs S Holroyd, Secretary |
01273 415557 |
| |
February 2008 |
Willingdon International Folk Dance Group |
Meet on Wednesdays (term time) 2.00-3.30pm |
Willingdon Memorial Hall, Church Street, Willingdon, East Sussex
01323 485995 |
| |
February 2008 |
Worthing Grasshoppers Folk Dancing Club |
Second and fourth Tuesdays of the month 7.45pm |
St. Lawrence Church Hall, Sea Place, Goring, Worthing, east Sussex |
Mrs J H Prince |
01903 765003 |
| |
February 2008 |